
Showing posts from December, 2021

javascript arrow function

 JavaScript arrow function let func1 = ( a , b ) => console . log ( a * b ); //arrow function func1 ( 2 , 4 ); hello = () => {     return "eswar" ; } //arrow functin using brackets and return console . log ( hello ()); hello1 = () => "hello all" ; //arrrow function withour using the bracket and return console . log ( hello1 ()); hello2  = ( a ) => "apcfss " + a ; // arrow function with parameters console . log ( hello2 ( 2.334 )); hello3 = a => "hello " + a ; //In fact, if you have only one parameter, you can skip the parentheses as well: console . log ( hello3 ( 23223 )); hello4  = () => console . log ( this ); hello4 ();          

Print first N Fibonacci Numbers in python

Print first N Fibonacci Numbers using Python Programming Language.